The Best option for rebuilding your 1949 through 1965 Classic Volkswagen Type 1 Beetle and Karmann Ghia for the link pin application is this set of PRObuilt DRUM stock height spindles. They work with either stock drum brakes or our GEN 1 or GEN 2 BAD Series Brakes. These factory spindles with part numbers 111405301 and 111405302 are direct replacements.
Assembled in the USA | Product updated 9/27/24 by Pete
Related: Stainless Steel ARP Fasteners | UN-assembled versus PRObuilt Drop Spindles | Ultimate Narrowed & Adjustable Beam
Typical time to install - 2 Hours | Install PDF Link | Install Video | Tools Needed

What's included?
A set of PRObuilt DRUM Drop Spindles comes with the following;
- Left spindle
- Right spindle
- Left OEM VW Carrier - Quality Control Checked
- Right OEM VW Carrier - Quality Control Checked
- German King Pins
- German Link Pins - Gun Blued
- German Bushings
- Shim Kit
- Reusable Shim Chart with grease pen
- Install Guide
- New Grease Zerks
What's recommended?
- It is recommended you check the adjustments in your link pins ever 2500
miles or every year. There is a 14mm square end on the back of the link
pin that you can adjust to tighten up. It will require you to loosen the
clamp bolts to do this. If you don't have a #SlickSpanner with all the front end popular wrench sizes,
check this one out.
- It is recommended to grease the upper and lower zerks every 2500 miles or every year to keep the system lubricated.
- Having the right fasteners to do the job makes quick work of this process. Luckily, the PRO's have them here.
- If you don't have the right tools to measure control arm offset, the PRO's suggest this tool with the deluxe options.
- When
installing brakes on these spindles and it is time to adjust the
bearing thrust, you need to tighten the bearings until the drum or rotor
does not move by hand, then back off 1/4 turn and lock it down. This
will ensure that as long as you packed your bearings correctly, lubed
the seal correctly, this too will last forever* and failure will almost
be non-existent.
Kewl Features
- Assembled by the PRO's in the USA.
- Bolt-On ready
- Why would I want to purchase these PRObuilt Spindles over the UN-assembled spindles? One word to answer this. Ease. UN-assembled
spindles require a list of tools to press apart, check thrust, ream to
OE specs and press them together. This takes expertise, precision and
skill. Many try, few get it right.
- What would the install-time difference between the PRObuilt Spindles and the UN-assembled drop spindles? The PRObuilt Spindles would roughly take 1 hour to install with mechanical skills. The UN-assembled
drop spindles could take a weekend or more depending on the condition
of your king pins, bushings, carriers, link pins and the tools you need,
the trial and error you need to endure and the waiting time you need to
be patient with, should you find an issue along the way.
- It seems like everyone is selling a very similar UN-assembled drop
spindle, why would I want to invest in your set up compared to others? QC.
Quality Control. Companies say they do it, but they do not. We QC every
set of spindles we get in to eliminate the possibility of down-time the
#AirkewldArmy has to endure when finishing their project. If the PRO's
sign off on the spindle, the carrier, the king pin, the fit, the feel
the finish, it is a guarantee, that you will have the BEST user
experience. Now it's up to you.
- Are you able to guarantee that the assembled spindles on your VW now are done correctly to keep YOU and YOUR family SAFE? If you are, perfect. If you can't, the PRO's at Airkewld will give you that confidence as long as you install them correctly.
- Why would I choose a raw steel finish over a powder coated finish or vice versa? Since
most spindles on the market are delivered raw, you would need to finish
them to match the look of your current drive-train, at least the OCD
TEAM over here would. But, if you want to sign off on this part of your
suspension lasting forever, then going the powder coated route makes
- I have slop in my king pins and link pins, does these PRObuilt Spindles fix this problem? They do indeed! With these PRObuilt Spindles, we use a German brand, FEBI king pins and link pins
that come with new bushings. We install the new bushings are ream them
with Volkswagen tools to get the perfect fit and feel. Since these
spindles come with our
reusable link pin chart and install directions, say goodbye to slop with these PRObuilt Spindles.
- I want to add disc brakes to my Volkswagen, will your Gen 1 or GEN 2 set of BAD Series Disc Brakes fit them? Yes.
Our BAD Series Disc Brakes fit all DRUM Spindles and do NOT fit
ANY drop DISC spindles. Sounds weird, but other vendors build spindles
that incorporate the caliper mounts in them. We build them so that the
caliper bracket bolts onto the spindle using the backing plate mounts.
It allows for versatility in your build. Drum Brakes, two piston brakes
or four piston brakes. You choose, not us.
Get them built correctly, install them correctly, maintain them correctly, they will last forever.